Welcome to Istanbul Foreigners Office Companies page. As IFO, we provide Erasmus+ Work Placement interns, Talented Turkish Interns, Multilingual and Exclusive Guiding services.
Erasmus + aims to improve the quality of vocational education and training across Europe, providing opportunities for vocational students and staff to undertake traineeships abroad. It will help vocational education and training institutions to build strategic partnerships with other organisations and businesses to establish close links between education and training and the world of work.
Overall, it will help to improve employability and life skills for individuals and contribute to the competitiveness of the European economy.
In a world that is being dominated by globalization and cross-cultural communication, don’t be late to create a unique business environment in your company. As IFO we aim to find you chosen Erasmus Exchange Students with high rates. If you give a chance to them to be your interns, they will open new doors for the future.
Apply to IFO and find the best intern candidates according to your company`s needs. After you apply to hire an intern, IFO starts searching for matching candidates from its CV database. To be involved in this process please fill the form on the left.
The following organisations in participating countries can take part:
Erasmus Plus training programme:
Please click the link below to see participating countries: http://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/about/participating-countries
Exemption for Erasmus Plus Programme in Turkish Law:
*Muafiyetler/Madde 55 (Kaynak: (http://www.csgb.gov.tr/csgbPortal/yabancilar.portal?page=muafiyet)
h) Avrupa Birliği Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığının (Ulusal Ajans) yürüttüğü programlar kapsamında gelecek yabancıların program süresince, çalışma izni almalarına gerek bulunmamaktadır.
If you are looking for multilingual Turkish native interns for your company with the skills of your company needs, IFO is providing you talented Turkish candidated according to your objectives.
Note: Our Talented Turkish Intern service is free of charge.
IFO finds you the right human sources that have exclusive linguistic talent which you may need at international trade fairs and events. Contact us and let us know about your expectations from a part-time employee. We will find you the most appropriate candidates with the right skills.
When you have guests from different countries IFO breaks the language barrier by finding you the native guides. If you want to use our Exclusive Guiding service please fill in the form to contact us. Please don’t forget to describe the type of service you want using titles such as business, art, sports or vacation. We will contact you as soon as we receive the form you filled.